From South Carolina to Hawaii and right in the center of the country in Colorado, foxhole atheists are taking action to improve the world. The call to arms of the New Atheists has caused many atheists, humanists, and other nontheists to stand up … Continue reading
It may have been tax day around the country but the news in Las Vegas was that Wells Fargo discriminates. Local veteran F-16 pilot and MAAF member John Whiteside led protests against discrimination at the local bank. MAAF President Jason Torpy … Continue reading
Objections from the Military Religious Freedom Foundation recently led to new policy at an Air Force installation to stop its gate guards from greeting visitors with “Have a blessed day.” The objection was that this religious greeting was inappropriate for … Continue reading
In a great leap forward for acceptance of Humanists, Offutt Air Force Base posted a story celebrating the approval of Offutt Humanists, aka OH!, as a recognized Private Organization. While Chaplains provide advertising, space, resources, and organization for beliefs they deem acceptable, … Continue reading
Beale \ Fort Bragg \ Fort Leavenworth \ Guam \ Hawaii \ MAAF \ MAAF Affiliates \ Minot
2015 has started off at a run for the MAAF Affiliate groups around the globe. We are in the process of developing affiliates in Anchorage and Fairbanks, Alaska, Chicago, Las Vegas, and Ellsworth in South Dakota. Internationally, MAAF affiliates are … Continue reading