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Introducing Our New Outreach & Operations Coordinator

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Introducing Our New Outreach & Operations Coordinator

As President of MAAF, I’m excited to present Rose Eaton, CVA as the new Outreach and Operations Coordinator for MAAF. She will be focusing on MAAF membership and local groups. Building community is MAAF’s primary mission, and so as MAAF grew, … Continue reading

Elsinore City Christian War Shrine Fails Legal Scrutiny

Elsinore City Christian War Shrine Fails Legal Scrutiny

One of the most contentious issues MAAF covers is that of Christian and religious war memorials. MAAF supports religious freedom, religious memorials and grave markers for individuals, and the rights of private citizens on private land to fund and set … Continue reading

Veterans Step in at Secular Kids Camps

Veterans Step in at Secular Kids Camps

Camp Quest is an international network of camps for “children of nontheistic parents”. There is a long tradition of sending kids away during summer for values, socializing, and personal growth (and a bit of time away from home). Camp Quest … Continue reading

Religious Accommodation Expands Beyond Christianity

Religious Accommodation Expands Beyond Christianity

The Department of Defense has published an updated regulation on religious accommodation (see text: DoDI 1300.17). They represent a thorough and thoughtful effort to manage post-DOMA strife caused by some who continue to oppose all lesbian and gay rights. It is … Continue reading

Review: Reason’s Fifth Dawning

Review: Reason’s Fifth Dawning

Reason’s Fifth Dawning, or R5D, was written by MAAF member and veteran (pseudonym) Alan Jeskin. Some may consider the ‘downfall of religion’ a negative, anti-religious topic, but the method is one of enlightenment not oppression.  Readers will be interested to … Continue reading