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Military Atheists Honoring National Day of Reason

Military Atheists Honoring National Day of Reason

From South Carolina to Hawaii and right in the center of the country in Colorado, foxhole atheists are taking action to improve the world. The call to arms of the New Atheists has caused many atheists, humanists, and other nontheists to stand up … Continue reading

Local foxhole atheists thriving

Local foxhole atheists thriving

This spring has seen military folks in more deployments to the Middle East, retiring, at the American Atheists Convention and Reason in the Rock, Las Vegas Church of Bacon protests and continuing local events. Next week, look for MAAF in … Continue reading

Navy Basic Training Shuts Out Religious Diversity

Navy Basic Training Shuts Out Religious Diversity

The Navy has taken another step backward in terms of religious diversity. Recent reports, verified independently by MAAF, show that Great Lakes Training Center, Navy Basic Training, has turned away all civilian religious program volunteers. This means that those personnel … Continue reading

Las Vegas Veterans Rally Around Equality

Las Vegas Veterans Rally Around Equality

It may have been tax day around the country but the news in Las Vegas was that Wells Fargo discriminates. Local veteran F-16 pilot and MAAF member John Whiteside led protests against discrimination at the local bank. MAAF President Jason Torpy … Continue reading

Sam Johnson Talks Change but Legislates Status Quo

Sam Johnson Talks Change but Legislates Status Quo

A few days ago, Representative Sam Johnson, R-TX, representing Plano, North of Dallas, has chosen to take up the ongoing holy war to evangelize the US military. He recently stood on the floor of the Congress ranting about atheists and … Continue reading