MAAF Network Update
Local Groups continue to meet around the world. A new group at Eglin-Hurlburt AFB is hoping to attract members in the Pensacola area. There are also several individuals who have stepped up as Lay Leaders and Local Points of Contact, including at FE Warren AFB, WY, Bagram, Afghanistan, Ft Bliss, TX, Minot AFB, ND, and Kirtland AFB, NM. You can find these and other activities in your area at the MAAF Network.
Find local group updates –
- [CA] San Diego Area –
– During April, SD-MAAF joined with the Humanist Fellowship to see comedian and pianist Tim Minchin as well as Richard Dawkins. The group continues to cover issues related to the Mt Soledad and Camp Pendleton crosses.
- [CA] Travis AFB –
– North Bay MASH chose a new name (from Travis MASH) and held a BBQ on May 6th (see picture above).
- [DE] Dover AFB –
– Dover Military Humanists: Local meetings are continuing in pursuit of more formal recognition on post.
- [FL] Eglin-Hurlburt AFB –
– Eglin-Hurlburt MASH has started in the Pensacola area and is looking for new members.
- [FL] MacDill AFB –
– MacDill Atheists & Secular Humanists: Members met at the Base Beach Party April 13th and at the Base Chapel Apr 24th. The next event is June 19th at the post chapel.
- [GA] Ft Stewart –
– Ft Stewart MASH: A big thanks go out to Sgt Nathan Ash for getting things going at Ft Stewart. The group is still new and a notification went out to MAAF members in the area to jump-start activities.
- [HI] Hawaii –
– MASH Hawaii has a boost with Nick Stenkamp providing new leadership. The next meeting is May 20 at Brews and Cues in Honolulu.
- [KS] Ft Riley –
– MAAF Ft Riley: Regular meetings are held at the Warrior Zone conference room on Normandy Drive on Ft Riley.
- [KY] Ft Campbell –
– MASH Ft Campbell members are suffering the continuing march against science in Tennessee. May 3rd was Drinking Skeptically at O’Connor’s and the next event is June 2nd for Summer Cocktails.
- [MO] Ft Wood –
– Join MASH Ft Wood for the Memorial Day MASH UP at Roubidoux Springs.
- [NC] Ft Bragg –
–MASH Ft Bragg hosted Amanda Knief of American Atheists and attended several rallies against religiously-based gay hatred. The Organizational Meeting, Book Club, and MWR Fun Run are coming up this week.
- [TX] Ft Hood –
– CENTEX – MAAF will host Jason Torpy of MAAF for a Memorial Day BBQ on May 25th.
- [Germany] Kaiserslautern –
– Kaiserslautern Military Community MAAF held the most recent meeting May 5th. Clint Rasic, local coordinator, is transferring out of Germany and seeking new leadership to continue a strong presence for MAAF in Germany.
- [UK] RAF Lakenheath –
– RAF Lakenheath Atheists & Freethinkers: Newly established; currently coordinating with several UK Armed Forces local groups to establish regular meetings, including trips to Down House, home of Charles Darwin, and Woolsthorpe Manor, home of Isaac Newton. Assistant Coordinator Patrick Madden began coordinations with a visit to Cambridge Humanists.
- Academy Updates (USMA, USNA, USAFA, USCGA): Each Academy struggles for official recognition for the upcoming academic year and to provide for humanist alternatives to Sunday church.
- MEPS updates: Humanists at the Louisville Military Enlistment Processing Station will now have humanist materials to read. This pilot program between MAAF and local Louisville secular groups and programs in San Diego, Honolulu, Columbus, and Des Moines are pending.
- Always check the MAAF Calendar for speaking engagements and events of interest.