Atheists in Foxholes News 10 May 2011
MAAF has selected 32 articles of interest in the areas of atheism & humanism in the media and military and church-state separation. Humanist chaplains and local military atheist groups were most prominent in the news, and there are separate entries about those items.
The current Executive Officer of Naval Station Great Lakes denied the service of atheists in his keynote speech to a recent prayer breakfast. MAAF has requested a retraction and confirmation that atheists have equal opportunity at Great Lakes.
Several positive stories commemorated foxhole atheist Pat Tillman who was killed seven years ago. His foundation provides scholarships to veterans, ensuring that Pat’s legacy as a scholar warrior will continue.
A Humanist Bible has been created by AC Grayling. It has been well received and added to the MAAF book list. Another biography of Joel Barlow, Revolutionary war atheist chaplain is very relevant to MAAF.
Church State separation articles regarding town council prayer and the national day of prayer show continuing efforts to establish religion in government. One Police Chief showed courage and integrity in opposing his Mayor’s questionable religious study plans.