MAAF Briefing to White House Officials Feb 26th, 2010

On Feb 26th, 2010, MAAF participated in an historic policy briefing of a presidential administration by members of the nontheist community. MAAF President Jason Torpy was a featured speaker at the event, presenting a new MAAF demographics study showing 23.4% nontheist population within the military. MAAF also asked for taching sessions down to the lowest level asserting the rights of nontheists and providing for education about nontheist issues. MAAF provided this information as the best way to ensure justice for nontheist service members who new suffer ostracism for their beliefs. Below are several press releases and other information about the event including the full MAAF briefing to staff. Other portions of the MAAF website, primarily the Chaplain Outreach Program may include updated versions of policies and briefings.