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Modern SMART Recovery treatment supplanting AA 12-step

Modern SMART Recovery treatment supplanting AA 12-step

Prohibition ended in 1933, at least for alcohol. Now we have the War on Drugs which was started by Richard Nixon in 1971 as a response to high rates of heroin addiction among soldiers in Vietnam. During the 1980s, the war on drugs was more apparent as an effort to stop crack cocaine. From Prohibition to […]

US Military Academy SSA Greets ’18 Plebes

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US Military Academy SSA Greets ’18 Plebes

On 12 August 2014 the United States Military Academy (USMA) incoming class of 2018 conducted a 12-mile forced march from Camp Buckner to the academy. The march is the culminating event of cadet basic training where they were taught land navigation, marksmanship, and, perhaps most importantly, how to survive within the Corps of Cadets. Now […]

July Flew By for MAAF Affiliates

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July Flew By for MAAF Affiliates

July has been an extremely productive month for MAAF and its Affiliate groups around the globe!  Jason, MAAF President, and Maj. Ryan Jean, local MAAF member, participated as panelist experts during the American Humanist Association’s Congressional briefing concerning Humanist Chaplains.  The following week, both participated in a Twitter Chat, also sponsored by the AHA, discussing […]

Secularizing Religious Patriotism

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Secularizing Religious Patriotism

Humans use a variety of mediums to express thoughts, ideas, messages, and a variety of other things.  Music is one that every culture across the globe relates to.  Catchy tunes help us remember the message, which is why commercial jingles are so popular.  On national levels, we’ve been exposed to music to help us develop […]

MAAF Graphics Contest 1

MAAF Graphics Contest 1

MAAF Graphics Contest Round 1: T-Shirt The Military Association of Atheists & Freethinkers is hosting a Graphic Design contest to create T-Shirts. Help make MAAF’s message more prominent in today’s fast-paced environment! This graphic may be used on our website, social media pages, brochures, or on products like t-shirts, buttons, pins, and other items. The […]