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Military Academies Recognize Student Humanist Groups

Military Academies Recognize Student Humanist Groups

For the first time, groups of atheists, humanists, and freethinkers have been given official recognition at the nation’s military academies. USAFA Freethinkers, Naval Academy Freethinkers and Atheists, and the West Point Secular Student Alliance all had tables at the Academy club nights. Between 40 and 60 cadets and midshipmen are participating in each group. Challenges […]

Advocacy snapshot July 2012

Historical snapshot, July 2012 The Military Association of Atheists & Freethinkers helps to affirm the values of atheists and humanists in the military, help individuals to develop stronger personal values, and to build a supportive network of atheists in foxholes. This is a goal of positive outreach, but it cannot be successful without pointing out […]

VA Chaplaincy Asked to Facilitate Humanist Services

VA Chaplaincy Asked to Facilitate Humanist Services

Currently, religious, theistic oriented Chaplains are on staff and visit patients including secular humanist atheists like myself. While the Chaplains have been friendly, according to their Christian beliefs I will be burning in hell after my demise. While I respect their right to believe as they wish, I don’t find their perspective on death comforting. […]

Military Academies Provide Alternatives to Church

Military Academies Provide Alternatives to Church

Cadets and Midshipmen at the nation’s military academies have been provided the opportunity for humanist and secular alternatives during their summer training. At the beginning of July, thousands of young men and women reported for training. Within their first week, trainees were given the opportunity to attend religious services as a break from weekly training. […]

Humanists Question Military Marriage Counseling; Offer Alternatives

Humanists Question Military Marriage Counseling; Offer Alternatives

This article continues a previous article that covered the personal issues faced by MAAF members in pre-marital counseling at the US military’s Defense Language Institute in Monterey California. This article focuses on Gary Smalley’s Hidden Keys to Loving Relationships, the primary training video used for mandatory pre-marital counseling, and alternatives to the program that MAAF hopes […]