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Stories written by jasont

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National Chaplains Organization Reflects on Atheists

In the recent newsletter of the National Conference on Ministry to the Armed Services (NCMAF) focused on diversity within the chaplaincy, and the conflict of diversity and religious freedom.  The primary focus was on the religious objections some have to homosexual people.  The other focus was on the increasing diversity of the chaplaincy, from a primarily […]

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Atheists in Foxholes News 10 Jun 2011

MAAF has selected 46 recent articles of interest in the areas of atheism & humanism in the media and military and church-state separation.  That is a lot of coverage, but all interesting.  Memorial Day tributes by LA Atheism Examiner Hugh Kramer including remembrance of Pat Tillman and an article and video of MAAF participation in […]

Stiefel Freethought Foundation Matching Challenge

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Stiefel Freethought Foundation Matching Challenge

The Stiefel Freethought Foundation has expanded its support of freethinkers in the military by offering a $50,000 challenge to the Military Association of Atheists & Freethinkers. Donations from current military and veterans to MAAF will be matched dollar-for-dollar for a limited time. Now is the time to give. Your support is needed and makes a significant […]

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Atheist Chaplain Follow-up

The NY Times covered MAAF efforts to endorse humanist chaplains.  MAAF operates a chaplain outreach program with opportunities for candidates to opt into the program.  Media including Alan Colmes, Mike Smerconish, and Michael Medved on Fox News, Lockwood Phillips, Canada TV, the BBC, and Sirius. International media including US, Europe, and Egypt have taken notice.  Religious […]

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Local military atheists groups make headlines

Local groups are starting on post as a result of local leaders agreeing to stand up and stand out.  There are 17 current organizations, 7 of which are working through the chaplains for greater assistance.  There have been delays, but no direct opposition as yet.  Local groups at military academies, major US and international installations, […]