Atheists in Foxholes News 9 Mar 2012

MAAF has selected 47 recent articles of interest in the areas of atheism & humanism in the military, society, and government, both in the US and internationally.  This month will see the Reason Rally and Rock Beyond Belief. Recent news had a wide range of activities, including featuring of Naval Academy Midshipment, the MAAF care package program, efforts by MAAF to gain official recognition of humanism, and further growth of the MAAF network.

Several atheists were highlighted in the news, including Richard Dawkins (in a “tale of the tape” with the Archbishop), Penn and Emily Jillette in a family review, and an atheist whose daughter is still trying to shoehorn him into her god’s heaven.

Pennsylvania was a hotbed with two stories. The state legislature’s “year of the Bible” inspired atheists to post some less savory Bible verses on billboards. An atheist prading as Mohammed was assaulted and the judge is on record dismissing the case as assault justified due to blasphemy.

Internationally, the UK saw a huge furor over city council prayers. The National Secular Society secured a court ruling banning the practice, and many local councils have vowed to continue the practice.

Atheists & Humanists in the Military

Atheists & Humanist Community

Atheists & Humanists in the News

Christian Military Agenda

Secular vs religious government.

International atheism and humanism