Atheists in Foxholes News 15 Feb 2012

MAAF has listed below 50 recent articles of interest in the areas of atheism & humanism in the military, society, and government, both in the US and internationally.  January included tributes to Christopher Hitchens, reports of nontheist gatherings in Idaho and Kansas, and encouraging reports from Egypt where a freethought blogger was released.

MAAF was also in the news seeking reform to religious preference identification including addition of humanist to the list of options, alongside the existing atheist option. Congress objected when the Air Force took MAAF’s suggestion to change a procurement agencies religious and irresponsible Opus Dei motto. Congress also put forth new bills in Congress to enshrine special privileges for Christianity in war memorials, also in response to challenges by MAAF to keep government neutral toward religion.

Also see more MAAF articles here at the MAAF blog and military posts on Friendly Atheist.

Christian Privilege in the Military

Secular culture

Freedom of Religion and Belief

International humanist news